(2024) Terminal Chat Application using Python Socket
It is a class project for Computer Network course.
(2024) Project RADIANT: Extensive Testing, Standardization and Formalization of KNSB-Based Solid Rocket Motor

(2024) Minimum Dominating Set Parallel Multi-Solver using OR-Tools
It is a class project for High Performance Architecture course.
(2024) EasyTask
It is a class project for Software Engineering II course. Roles involved: Full-stack, DevOps
(2023 - 2024) VNET-UGCS Ground Control Station Suite

Universal Ground Control Station Python desktop application designed for a variety of space missions and labs.
(2023) VT EBYTE LoRa Configurator Arduino Library
EBYTE LoRa Configurator Arduino Library for EBYTE LoRa E32, E34, E22. (Beta version)
(2023) VT C++ Linear Algebra & Kalman Filter Library
Compile-time Optimized C++ Linear Algebra Algorithms & Kalman Filter Template Library.
This is the repository for C++ implementation of numeric vectors, numeric matrices and linear algebra operations. Additional standard library implementations are included for C++11 embedded applications without std
This library does not depend on any STLs and built on C++11 standard, optimized for speed and safety, minimized runtime with a lot of static checking and safety checking during compile-time.
The data structure is built on top of templated C-style static array, so this will avoid heap usages and comply with small and safety-critical embedded systems. Most of the computations are evaluated at compile-time.
Useful functions to create vectors and matrices, including block matrices, are included. These data structures can be created directly from array. They are also constexpr
(2023) Arduino Lightweight Wrapper OS and Tools
Dynamic Generalized Task Scheduling C++ Library for Low-Level Embedded System Programming.
(2023) Quantum String Matching Algorithm for Sequence Alignment Problem in Bioinformatics

It is a class project for Bioinformatics course.
(2023) Sequence Alignment Algorithm Block Parallelism via CPU Threading via OpenMP and GPU Computing via CUDA

It is a class project for Bioinformatics course.
(2022) C++ QuadTree Data Structure Implementation
Quadtree Data Structure C++ Implementation Library for Efficient Collision Detection and Geospatial Indexing.
(2022) HAB Project: PASSENGER-III
(2022) myCourseVille Companion App
An application designed to streamline assignment tracking and work schedule management for students, enhancing productivity. It is a class project for Computer Engineering Essentials course. Roles involved: Full-stack, DevOps