Assignment 1

Assignment 1.1: BMI Calculator


Create a BMI calculator program which prompt user to input their height and weight.

First, the program will ask the user “Enter your height in meters: “.

Second, the program will ask the user “Enter your weight in kg: “.

Then, the program will show “Your BMI is: “ followed by BMI index.

The BMI of a person can be calculated using formula weight / (height ^ 2)


[Python Console]

Enter your height in meters: 1.87
Enter your weight in kg: 60.9
Your BMI is: 17.42


  1. Whitespace shown in the quote is important! Write carefully.

  2. Use the appropriate data type for input and output.

Assignment 1.2: Self-study

Python functions

1. What do you think this piece of code do?

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

2. What do you think is the output?

s = add(10, 30)

3. What do you think is the output?

print( add(10, 30) )

4. What do you think is the output?

print( add(10, add(20, 30) ) )

5. What do you think this piece of code do?

def prod(*args):
    result = 1
    for number in args:
        result = result * number
    return result

6. In 5., When you write result = result * number, is result on the LHS the same with on the RHS?

  • LHS = left hand side
  • RHS = right hand side

Assignment 1.3: Self-study

Boolean operations

Boolean operations are similar to arithmetic operations, but in a logical way.

Remind that Boolean data types have only two possible value: True or False.

In logic, there is AND, OR, IMPLIES, and EQUIVALENCE operators.

In Python, these rules apply as well, and in similar fashion, the syntax (symbol) of these operators make sense!

A not A B A and B A or B
False True False False False
False True True False True
True False False False True
True False True True True

Comparison operators

There are several comparison operators

  1. Equal to a == b: returns True if a equals b.
  2. Not equal to a != b
  3. Strictly less than a < b
  4. Less than or equal to a <= b
  5. Strictly greater than a > b
  6. Greater than or equal to a >= b

(Please study the rest for your self, including how to use it in Python)